How to increase performance of a Android smart phone and Tab

Now a day 70% of Smart phone user use Android Smart Phone.
There are no definate way to increase performance Android smartphone and tab.
But if we take some step that we can easily increase ese some performance instantly .
let’s talk to details about it.
Boost up Android
Backend Apps: Now a day most of the android device support multitasking facilities .
So if we don’t turn off a apps by clicking back then it can still run in backend .
Every android device also have few built-in apps like Maps, Skype, Location, Browser
and File Manager etc. But we don’t need them always. We should close those apps to
increase device performance and save battery life. Turn off auto Sync option.
We can do it easily by using task manager apps like Clene Master, Task Killer, Android Assistant etc
Power saving: Every Android device have a power saving option in Settings . We should use this option to save battery and
increase Performance.
Display Option: We know 40% of Battery are lose by display of a android or any Touch screen device.
We should turn on Automatic Display Brightness from Setting option. To do this your Device must have to
Light sensor option. Light sensor option Adjust Display Brightness with Out side Light. It’s also save
your eyes.
Unnecessary Apps: Uninstall all of your unnecessary apps from Android Device. It’a can save your ROM memory.
More seace on ROM will increse your Android device Performence.
Launcer and Key Board: Many of us use Third pirty keyboard and Louncer for their Android Device. It’s reduce
performence of Your Android device. We should use Defeult Louncer and Key Board More performence of a Andeoid
Smartphone and Tab.
Live Walpaper and Home Wid get: Don’t use live walpaper and Widget in Home. It’s Distroy Battory and Reduce
more performence.
Connectivity: Turn off connecstivity option like Bluetooth, WiFi, Data connection etc in unnacessary time. Because it’s distroy battory and
oue CPU. Some of free apps can load Ads if data connection on.
Shedule On and Off: Keep turn off or Select Air plane Mode of your Android Device in unnecessary time like sleep time.
Shedule option will Automatically On and Off your Android Device. You can find this option in Setting.
Stroge: Use high speed Sd Card to get more performence in muttimedia and the Games installed in External stroge.
Install the games on Internal memory to get High performence.
Root: Root your phone to increse performance. After rooted you can uninstall unwanted system and over clicking
CPU. I don’t recomanded it. Because It’s will distroy Manufeaturer Warrenty. Your Device can permantly Damage for System
apps or Driver remove.
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