Zephyr OS 6

Atencion el portador ofrecio esta informacion solo en ingles. no se traduce porque algunos terminos no tienen traduccion


-Carrier Label customisations
-DT2S on statusbar/lockscreen
-Quick Pulldown
-AOSPA battery styles
-Clock & Date customisation
-Network Traffic indicator
-status bar brightness control
-Task Manager

-DT2S on navbar
-recents panel search bar toggle
-Clear all recents fab (top right/left/center,bottom right/left/center)
-Hardware buttons action( for HWnavkeys devices only)
-Disable HWKeys
-Longpress recents button to switch between apps
- DUI [Smartbar/Fling/Pulse]
- Pulse advanced customization

-Middle Lockscreen shortcuts(Custom apps)
-Quick unlock
-Music seek control when screen locked
-Volume rocker wake
-LockScreen Music Visualizer
-Music Visualizer custom colors
-LockScreen bottom shortcuts
-LockScreen Weather Customizations

-Customize quick settings tiles(add/delete/rearrange)
-Brightness slider toggle
-Advanced QS location tile
-Vibrate on touch
-Four tiles per row toggle
-toggle status bar icons
-Time contextual Headers
- Disable Quick Settings in secured lockscreen
-Added all the required tiles

- Statusbar blur
- Quick Settings Panel Blur
- Notifications Blur
- Expanded StatusBar Blur
- Recent Apps Blur

-GESTURES (Hand Wave/Pocket mode)
-Heads-up toggle
-Dashboard switches
-SUBSTRATUM for theming
-Per app expanded desktop control
-Multi window mode
- Paranoid Android's Floating Window
- Per app floating window control
-light and dark theme toggle
-Download Speeds for your downloads
-Ability to pause/resume downloads
-Custom Ambient Display settings
-AppOps/Privacy Guard
-Reset Battery Stats option

BUGS: ''you tell me.''

wipe preflash,
wipe battery stats,
flash rom
flash gapps

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