Recently rate of browsing speed has been decreased, this occurs because of the population of people using Internet has increased there by causing heavy traffic and due to this result it has done a lot of harm than good to the Internet users (slowing the browsing speed). However we've come with a better idea (recommended apps) on how you can boost the browsing speed and fasten your work on the internet.
1. LTE Discovery:

LTE Discovery is a powerful signal discovery and analysis tool with many advanced features and customizations available.
With LTE Discovery LTE band for AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and several other countries are identified, not just that but it also identified EARFCN and Band for any country/provider when using a Qualcomm processor and rooted device also.
This app prices l provides you with Alert notifications for LTE bands and GCIs connected or disconnected, it also automatically refreshes the mobile radio for different conditions.
By resetting the mobile connection, you can fix many common network related issues like: continuous low signal, data disconnection, poor call quality, signal instability, and more. You could also fix these issues by restart/reboot your phone, or you could just let LTE Discovery reset your radios in a few seconds. But, better signal quality is not a guarantee, especially if you are in a carrier zone with little coverage.
2. 4G LTE pro: 
4G LTE pro provides you with 4G only, Internet Speed meter, Network Dec m Detector, not just that but also compile all the Network tools in one platform.
With 4G LTE pro, you'll gain access to Network Speed meter which allows your to monitor the amount of data you're using, also it provides you with Network Signal loss Detector which allows you to know when you loose connection while browsing. It doesn't end here, it also grants you access to make use of make use or to lock a particular signal like 4G (LTE), 3G and 2G only. It's 100% guaranteed app in addition of Network Operators Shortcut.
3. Signal Booster: 
Signal booster will connect your cell phone to the strongest and fastest signal tower in your area. Unlike many other network signal booster apps which don't do anything to enhance your network signal, it will actually try to boost your GSM, 2G, 3G, 4G signal by reconnecting cell phone to the closest, best radio cellular tower. The boosted radio signal has improved stability and power resulting also in better call quality, better data transfer, longer battery life.
This signal amplifier will not show you some meaningless graphics, the interface is simple and has one purpose: boost your phone reception, regardless of what type of network signal you use - GSM, LTE, 3G, 4G.

HSPA+ Tweaker is the best application for force support HSPAP (3,75G) mobile connection using customizable reconnects.
This app is intended to stabilize the existing 3G H+ (HSPAP) connection, I recommend to enable 3G only network in settings. Some devices may not support the default view and reconnect settings, you can manually directly during the service is enabled, select the parameters under which the maximum effect is achieved.
5. Network Signal Refresher:

Network Signal cannot be boosted by an app, Network signal can be refreshed and recovered. Network Signal Refresher is not a network signal booster. No network signal boost is achieved here. NSR tries to refresh the network several times till you get a better network signal. So after using NSR, Your network signal can get increased in strength (If a strong signal is found by NSR) or stay constant (If there is no stronger signal in that area).
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