No. Not photos of JoJo (though I do heart those).
Photojojo. It is a real, live, camera geekery site geek things.I don't remember how I orginally found the site, but I got a kick out of the name, and somehow all the cuteness hooked me into receiving weekly emails from them. If I wasn't trying to be a frugal college student and like save for the future and yadahyadah (adulthood is overrated, I tell you whut) I would waste all my money on cameras, lenses, and basically anything camera related. Including geekery. I have posted on here before about their spectacularly awesome
camera lens coffee mugs, but here's a couple other cute things off the site.
*THIS* on the other hand baffles me. I found it and emailed my photography professor immediately to share my bewilderment.A mount for attaching D-SLR lenses to an Iphone? Really? Is this what photography is coming to? Oh, I sure hope not.
The iPhone 4 SLR Mount
Thanks for reading my news about
I Heart Photojojo at my blog
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