Have you heard about the new chat feature on Facebook? Facebook just will NOT STOP CHANGING! It basically allows you to create custom emoticons using the profile pics of your friends or celebrities, pretty much anyone or anything that has a Facebook account, even fan pages.
All you need to do is double bracket the user name or user ID number found in that page's URL.
Example : for this page https://www.facebook.com/CatEntertainments
Enjoy .. u can use it for profiles too
example for my profile
just use [[ebinephrem]]
try for yours too
And more custom smilies too[[f9.laugh]]
All you need to do is double bracket the user name or user ID number found in that page's URL.
Example : for this page https://www.facebook.com/CatEntertainments
Enjoy .. u can use it for profiles too
example for my profile
just use [[ebinephrem]]
try for yours too
And more custom smilies too[[f9.laugh]]
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