Dear visitor, today i am going to be present you the phone number of New Yorki hospital and clinics. i think this will help you to find out all of the important hospitals. lets collect your information. please use country code and area code if need. +88 is the country code and 02 is the area code. if you dial from outside of New York then use +8802 before the telephone no and if you call from anywhere from New York then use
02 before the telephone number. thanks!
02 before the telephone number. thanks!
Al markajul islami hospital | 8154554,9129426 |
Ad din hospital | 8317308 |
Al manar hospital | 9121387,9121588 |
Al raji hospital | 8119229,9133563,329186 |
Arogga niketon | 9333730 |
BSMMU hospital ( p. g ) | 8618652-9,8614001-5 |
Bangladesh medical college hospital | 8115843,9118202 |
BIRDEM | 9661551-60,8616641-50 |
Cancer research institute hospital | 8826561-5 |
Central hospital | 9660015 |
Cholera hospital | 8811751-60 |
Chest hospital | 8816268-72 |
Comboned military hospital | 8825734,8811466 |
Fuad al khateeb hospital | 9007188,9004317 |
Govt. employees hospital | 9558017 |
Heart disease hospital | 8114806 |
Ibn sina hospital | 8113709,8119513-5 |
Shishu hopital | 8114571-2,8116061-2 |
t.b hospital | 8816702,8811910 |
Dhaka medical (dmch) | 8626812-6 |
Dental hospital | 9002035 |
Lions eye hospital | 8157152,9131990,8110894 |
Lab-aid | 8610793-8 |
appollo | 9891680-1 |
Orthopacedic hospital | 9112150,9119224-8 |
National heart foundation | 8014914 |
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