How are you all? I hope you are dowing well. Today our topic is about Blogging. At first we have to know what is blog? Any Helpful website is blogsite. Man who write Blog called Blogger.
Visitors are benefited by reading blog post. Not only Visitors are benefited by reading blog post but also blogger can earn monry by using their blog.
There are two kinds of blog. This is domain & hosting based blog and another one is free blog.
By using googles blogger anyone can built a free website. Google give us customize the blog after creating too.
Very recent markes it bd has published a software to learn blogging in bangla language . you can learn blogging easily by following this learning software. No more trouble. Lets download this software now and start smart blogging.
Download Bangla Blogging Learning Sotware:
Seo is very related to Blogging. So after blogging you should learn seo too. To learn seo please see this blog.
Thanks every body!!
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