Changing hidden theme of Alcael One Touch STAR, IDOL, SPOP

changing theme alcatel one touch star, idol, spop

I will show you how to change stock white theme of Alcatel STAR,IDOL,SPOP with modification something in the code of the file build.prop.
I discovered this by accident when I fiddling with the phone.

note: Before process you need to have a Root check this or this post for Rooting.

Let's see what is changing after change theme.

Black theme is more good because black color not irritate the eyes also energy saving on Alcatel STAR with AMOLED display.

jrd theme alcatel star, idol, spop
change theme alcatel star, idol, spop
We [ALCATELSTAR.BLOGSPOT.COM] not resposible for any damage of your Androd(like bricking, not turning on ,dead sdcard etc.) after using this tutorial.
                                       REMEMBER DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

  1. Download Root browser or other app file manage that allow changing files in whole system.
  2. Open Root browser and go to /custpack and open build.prop for editing and locate the following code: persist.sys.jrdtheme=001 and change to persist.sys.jrdtheme=000 therefore save the changes then reboot phone once.
    (on dual sim version models 003 and 004 also working with more good icons and interface.)
    important: don't confuse build.prop in /system/ there is also such a file build.prop but it is symlink and crash your phone if you edit it you will get Bootloop(phone will not working properly)
  3. That's it Enjoy a your new theme!!!
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