Rom cook based on the Chinese A390_S320_BY_LENOVOHOME.NET COOK ROM
- Deodexed
- Vietnamese goods 98%, only English, Chinese and Vietnamese
- Zipaligned
- Rooted
- Preset Rootexplorer
- PDA, modem, kenerl of S320
- interface TW samsung galaxy S4
- S4 Galaxy Wallpaper
- Mod icon in settings S4
- Add power off button on the status bar bar (very convenient not having to press the power button hardware)
- Change boot logo and boot animation is Manchester United's 313
- Add Effects CRT OFF (tip off the screen when the screen like the Iphone)
- samsung Replacement Battery Icon
- Add alarm, the Samsung Galaxy S3 ringstone
- omitted the unnecessary app or little use
- converter available memory card and phone memory (not should be in system / etc / vold.fstab to edit)
- More ......
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