Hi friends i am back with IGI 1 highly compressed not .kgb file.
Project IGI is a first-person shooter that follows a strong, detailed storyline. Role-playing Jones is designed to be an important factor in gameplay. The game features several varied settings, with both detailed interiors and wide-open landscapes. Players use realistic weapons and military equipment, including state-of-the-art satellite reconnaissance. By using a satellite uplink Jones is able to view an entire area from above, making note of the positions of enemy soldiers and artillery as he plans his next move.
- Wield 12 authentic special ops weapons
- Interact with vehicles including jets, helicopters, and cable cars
- Use a PDA and binoculars to keep tabs on the enemy
System Requirements:
300MHz Pentium II or equivalent |
64MB RAM |
DirectX 7.0a compliant 8MB VRAM 3D accelerated video card |
DirectX 7.0a compliant sound card |
DirectX 7.0a or higher |
4X CD-ROM drive |
500MB uncompressed hard drive space |
Keyboard |
Mouse |
AMD Athlon or Intel Pentium III processor |
128MB RAM |
3D accelerator with 16MB VRAM |
8X CD-ROM drive |
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