Switchr for Android! - App Switching Revolutionized

Check out the video below!

Switchr for Android makes changing between your recent apps much more easy. Some people find it hard to reach down to the bottom of their screen to tap on recent button or you're like me and too lazy to move your finger all the way down there. 

Luckily for us, we can use the side of the screen to change between open recent apps. You have three styles to launch Switchr. Slide, I prefer this one, Flow, and Arc. Each do the same thing in the end, but just look different when you're choosing the recent app. 

To active Switchr all you do is slide your finger from the side of your screen (left or right) and it will launch. Depending where you usually have your finger you can change the location, width, and length of the trigger. 

Download Switchr for Android using the link below!

Download Switchr App from Play Store
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