How to Connect Internet in Computer Using Any Android Mobile

Connecting Internet connection in your Computer or laptop Using Any Android Mobile like Samsung, Micromax, Karbonn, LG, HTC Sony Xolo or any Android mobile no more difficult but most don't know How to connect this,  You know most people using internet using mobile phones, actually most are not have there modem for surf net, So they are trying to use mobile phone, You in Nokia or any other window phone its very easy but in Android mobile its getting many errors, So its became not easy, but if you know prefect method for connect any android mobile for internet on computer or on laptop for internet connection on net than you can do it without any error.

Requirement for Connect Android Phone with Computer for Internet 

It's no more need any extra devices for this method, But before connection makes sure that your driver are updated, I also see many errors when I was testing this method for share with you, but most error is not big, If you have done some drivers you can do it, To use you must install USB  drivers and also Nokia connectivity cable drivers, After then you can try it, To connect the net using mobile phone on PC or computer need three things which are..

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1. Android Mobile

2. USB Cable

3. Computer/ Laptop

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How to Connect Internet in Computer Using Any Android Mobile image

How Many ways to Connect Net using Mobile on a computer or Laptop

If you wanna connect net using your any Android mobile phone, then you can do it using only two methods, WiFi Hotspot Tethering and the second is USB Tethering. You can do any one method and surf net effectively also quickly without no more errors.

1 -  WiFi Hotspot Tethering
2 -  USB Tethering

Getting Error when i connect Internet on computer Using USB Cable

The above method is very easy to use, but there are many errors which can appear when you will connect your Android phone to  computer or laptop, Our many fans also ask us many errors, So if you wanna avoid these type Ethernet errors or other errors than you must follow some instruction.

Install the Nokia connectivity driver.

Install update or install USB drivers.

How to connect net on computer using Android Mobile Phone

  • First you must connect your computer to Mobile phone using the USB Cable.

  • Now  go in setting and Enable DATA Connection in your Android Mobile

  • Now simply  "Enable Portable WiFi hotspot" in Your Android Mobile
  • If you don't find these options than follow below lines.

  • (Setting > Wireless and Network Setting > Tethering and Portable Hotspot >
  • Portable WiFi Hotspot)
  • Now its done now your PC will connect to net automatically.

If Net not connected with right Method

Guys, if you have done all steps with right way and your internet connection is not active, or computer or laptop not connected by internet than does all method again. If you again, not get success then restart your PC, If again, not success, then restart your mobile phone, But i think you will not get these types troubleshot do right method, Thanks for, visit our blog, If you have any error than comment below, we will try to solve your error.

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