Creating an “About Me” Widget

If you have no idea how to go about creating a text or html widget on your sidebar, no "About Me" widgetworries–I’ve got you covered! As you can see on my page, I’ve primarily used that particular widget to create an “About Me” and “About Be Blog Smart” section.

And it’s not so difficult to do! (My goal is always to give you the “smarter” way of blogging–not the “harder” path!)

You can always add the text/html widget to your sidebar and add your info there, but that presents you with the difficulty of formatting it to how you would like it to look (font size, alignment, and adding pictures and hyperlinks)–and who wants to do it the hard way? Thus, the easy solution:

  1. Open up a new post
  2. Type up your verbiage, and alter it anyway you choose (including adding hyperlinks)
  3. Add pictures if you choose (choosing your alignment for the pictures so that they fit with the text; I choose to center mine)  *Make sure to resize your photo so that it’s no wider than roughly 180 pixels–otherwise it will be too large for your sidebar.
  4. Click on the “html” tab (the picture on below shows you where it is); this will transfer everything into html codehtml
  5. Now select all of the code (ctrl+a) and copy it (ctrl+c)
  6. Next, head on over to your widgets (under appearances)
  7. Drag the “text” widget (for text or html) over to your sidebar
  8. Open the widget, and paste the code you’ve copied in it (ctrl+v), add a title, and click publish
  9. Look at it from the front side; if you’re not happy with it, just alter it in your post, and follow steps 5 through 9.
  10. You now have an “About Me” widget!

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