More Horrible Games

Now is the time that kids make their Christmas Lists, so, I am going to show you five games
that you most likely don't want for Christmas.

5. E.T for the Atari 2600

Why do you have a 2600? Well if you do then you probably don't want E.T.

4. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing for PC

This game is funny at first, but it is a cheaply made game, that is honestly, something that
was supposed to be made cool, but isn't.
The game has no CPU, Collision Detection, Top Speed, or "Void".
With no CPU the game is dumb, with no Collision Detection, you drive through everything,
with no Top Speed, you can go up to 1,000,000,000 MPH (Trust me, it's on YouTube), and
with no Void, you can't respawn, so if you drive of the map, which is common, you'll
just keep on going, and you can't go back.

3. Ghostbusters/Ghostbusters II (NES)

It's Ghostbusters, and it 'SUCKS'. Get it? No? Ok.
Everything is confusing in this game, also.

2. Home Alone (NES/SNES/PS2)

These are some of the worst. On a scale of 1 to 10, these games are a 9, 10 being the worst.
The are confusing, give you no instructions, and are really difficult.

1. Any Virtual Boy Game

Virtual Boy was Nintendo's worst selling console, discontinued right before the release of the N64.
It was supposed to be the world's first 3D portable console, and it was, but it didn't use that power.
It could only play games in monochrome red, and most games were made up of a mess of lines.
There were only about 30 games released, and you can find the Virtual Boy for about $100 in 
a retro game shop.

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