Tips For Color OS V2 Custom Rom By Sohanur Rahman Sobuz

Hello guys,
                You already know about ColorOS. And Now ColorOS Custom ROM is available for our Symphony W72. I hope you will be glad for getting this kind of rom for your device.
and I know You Want to Run this Custom ROm in your Device without Facing Any Problems. Thats Why I am writing this Post.

First Tips For Color OS V2:

             When you installed this rom successfully then you will se a user guide/getting start option. then select the last option in chinees language. you will go to your home. First time you cant able to use the keyboard thats why you have to go to the Settings> Language & Input> and from here select Oppo Keyboard as your deafult keyboard   Now your Keyboard is Ok. :D You can Reboot your phone once.

Second Tips For Color OS V2:

           The sound quality of Color OS is too low at first time. but You can increase this. Just follow this Steps:

* Dial *#*#3646633#*#* then you will automatically transferred to Engineer Mood.  You can use Mobile uncle tools also for this.
* Then Swap to Hardware Setting
* Then Select Audio> LoudSpeaker Mode. And write the first  Value 220-230 and click OK.
and write in the second value 160 and click OK. 

Then Go to Your phones menu and select Viper4android FX. Enable Extra Loud in Viper

Third Tips For ColorOS v2:

            You guys will face a problem in Wifi. You can enable wifi and also can connect with a server but Unfortunately you cant use wifi perfectly. Dont be Panic Dude :p
Here Is the Solution:::::::::
  * Just power off your phone and then go to recovery mood and do Wipe Dalvik Cache from the advance Option.
Now reboot your Phone and I hope your problem will be solved.

N.B: Before Doing Wipe Dalvik Cache check if your wifi is on and connect with a server.  If It not then turn on your wifi and connect with your server and then do Wipe Dalvik Cache.

Fourth Tips For ColorOS v2:

         You are acustomes to to see the recent apps by long pressing home key but ColorOS v2 you have to double tap on home key for recent apps.

Thanks A lot for being with me. If you have any more problem after it then feel free to contact with me. My Facebook You can Also Comment On this Post Here...

Keep Tuning


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