This Guide can be Preferred by MTK6589
Tools Needed:
Decompiling and Recompiling Tool
Brain Please
A MTK65xx Device
1)De-compile your android.policy.jar from /framework (For .jar decompile and recompile)(Click here
2)Open this .smali from \com\android\internal\policy\impl\PhoneWindowManag er.smali
Find These Lines:
Delete The Red Code
Replace With Code Below
Replace With:
Next,Go to SystemUI /res/values/drawables.xml
100% Tranapency
Credits:-@Adi Aisiteru Reborn
- Senior Member @evilisto
- Recognized themer @rodman01
- @mulbyungjahri
- @bond1987
1)Decompile your Settings.apk From /system/app/
2)Download The From Here
3) Extract contents of to respective folders in Settings.apk
4)Open /res/xml/device_info_settings.xml From Decompiled Settings.apk
5) From The Top,Locate This Tag. l <Preference android:title.
Add These Code
Add The Blue Code
Save The File.
Now Go To /Res/Drawable-XHDPI(If your Device is xhdpi(OR)Locate your device dpi0
Now,Paste The File Whichever you want
(Make sure the files is in *.png Format)
For Changing The Resolution Of The Pic:
Go to /res/layout/areebisawesome.xml
Delete The RED code,And Add Your Pic Size There
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3)Search For stat_sys_battery_x.png with your Own
4)Search For stat_sys_battery_charge_animxx.png For Battery Animation with Your Own
5)Replace and Recompile
For Changing Battery Symbol in StatusBar Expanded
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3)Search For ic_qs_battery_xx.png with your own
4)Search for ic_qs_battery_charge_xx.png for Battery Charging Animation
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3) Search For stat_sys_gemini_signal_1_xxxx.png(With Your Color) And Replace With Your Own
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3) Search For stat_sys_wifi_signal_x_fully.png and replace with Your Own
4)For Wi-fi Without Transfer File Icon, stat_sys_wifi_signal_x.png and replace with your own
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3) Search for ic_qs_flight_mode_on.png and ic_qs_flight_mode_off.png and Replace with Your Own
3) Search for ic_qs_mobile_enable.png and ic_qs_mobile_disable.png and replace with your own
3)Search For ic_qs_bluetooth_enable.png.ic_qs_bluetooth_disable .png and ic_qs_bluetooth_off.png and replace with your own
3)Search for ic_qs_gps_enable.png and ic_qs_gps_disable.png and replace with your own
3)Search for ic_qs_wifi_enable.png and ic_qs_wifi_disable.png and replace with your own
4)For animation: Search For ic_qs_wifi_full_x.png and replace with your own
5)For No Data Animation: Search for ic_qs_wifi_x.png and replace with your own
(If It Doesnt Work,ic_qs_stat_sys_wifi_switch_animx,png. Delete these .png)
3) Search For ic_qs_brightness_auto_on and ic_qs_brightness_auto_off and Replace With Your Own
3) Search For ic_qs_auto_rotation_enable and ic_qs_auto_rotation_disable and replace with your own
For Timeout:
3) Search For ic_qs_timeout_disable,ic_qs_timeout_off and ic_qs_timeout_on and replace with your own
3) Search For ic_qs_default_user.png and replace with your own
3) Search For ic_qs_general_on/off,ic_qs_meeting_on/off,ic_qs_outdoor_on/off and ic_qs_mute_on/off and Replace with your own

Tools Needed:
Decompiling and Recompiling Tool
Brain Please
A MTK65xx Device
Transparent StatusBarSteps:
1)De-compile your android.policy.jar from /framework (For .jar decompile and recompile)(Click here
2)Open this .smali from \com\android\internal\policy\impl\PhoneWindowManag er.smali
Find These Lines:
.method public getSystemDecorRectLw(Landroid/graphics/Rect;)I
Replace With Code Below
.method public getSystemDecorRectLw(Landroid/graphics/Rect;)I
.registers 3
.parameter "systemRect"
.line 3057
iget v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mSystemLeft:I
iput v0, p1, Landroid/graphics/Rect;->left:I
.line 3058
iget v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mSystemTop:I
iput v0, p1, Landroid/graphics/Rect;->top:I
.line 3059
iget v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mSystemRight:I
iput v0, p1, Landroid/graphics/Rect;->right:I
.line 3060
iget v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mSystemBottom:I
iput v0, p1, Landroid/graphics/Rect;->bottom:I
.line 3061
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mStatusBar:Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowState;
if-eqz v0, :cond_1b
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mStatusBar:Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowState;
invoke-interface {v0}, Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowState;->getSurfaceLayer()I
move-result v0
.line 3063
return v0
.line 3062
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mNavigationBar:Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowState;
if-eqz v0, :cond_26
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mNavigationBar:Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowState;
invoke-interface {v0}, Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowState;->getSurfaceLayer()I
move-result v0
goto :goto_1a
.line 3063
const/4 v0, 0x0
goto :goto_1a
.end method
const/4 v0, 0x0
return v0
.end method
Next,Go to SystemUI /res/values/drawables.xml
<item type="drawable" name="notification_number_text_color">#ff000000</item>
<item type="drawable" name="ticker_background_color">#ff1d1d1d</item>
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_background">#00000000</item>
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_recents_app_thumbnail_background">#88000000</item>
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_notification_row_background_color">#ff090909</item>
<item type="drawable" name="recents_callout_line">#99ffffff</item>
<item type="drawable" name="notification_item_background_legacy_color">#ffaaaaaa</item>
<item type="drawable" name="intruder_bg_pressed">#ff33b5e5</item>
<item type="drawable" name="notification_header_bg">#ff000000</item>
<item type="drawable" name="system_bar_background">#88000000</item>
<item type="drawable" name="notification_icon_area_smoke">#88000000</item>
Credits:-@Adi Aisiteru Reborn
- Senior Member @evilisto
- Recognized themer @rodman01
- @mulbyungjahri
- @bond1987
Having Your Banner In Settings
1)Decompile your Settings.apk From /system/app/
2)Download The From Here
3) Extract contents of to respective folders in Settings.apk
4)Open /res/xml/device_info_settings.xml From Decompiled Settings.apk
5) From The Top,Locate This Tag. l <Preference android:title.
Add These Code
<PreferenceCategory android:layout="@layout/areebisawesome" android:key="blah" android:title="" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen android:title="@string/about_settings"
<PreferenceCategory android:layout="@layout/areebisawesome" android:key="blah" android:title="" />
<Preference android:title="@string/model_number" android:key="device_model" android:summary="@string/device_info_default" style="?android:preferenceInformationStyle" />
Now Go To /Res/Drawable-XHDPI(If your Device is xhdpi(OR)Locate your device dpi0
Now,Paste The File Whichever you want
For Changing The Resolution Of The Pic:
Go to /res/layout/areebisawesome.xml
Delete The RED code,And Add Your Pic Size There
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ImageView android:layout_gravity="center" android:paddingBottom="6.0dip" android:layout_width="320.0px" android:layout_height="200.0px" android:src="@drawable/cosmic" android:scaleType="fitXY"
xmlns:android="" />
Changing The Icons OF The Battery,Signal,Statusbar Expanded Etc
Change Icons Of The Battery
Change Icons Of The Battery
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3)Search For stat_sys_battery_x.png with your Own
4)Search For stat_sys_battery_charge_animxx.png For Battery Animation with Your Own
5)Replace and Recompile
For Changing Battery Symbol in StatusBar Expanded
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3)Search For ic_qs_battery_xx.png with your own
4)Search for ic_qs_battery_charge_xx.png for Battery Charging Animation
Changing Signal In Signal Icon(If You Have Dual-Sim Device)
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3) Search For stat_sys_gemini_signal_1_xxxx.png(With Your Color) And Replace With Your Own
Changing Wi-Fi Icon
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
3) Search For stat_sys_wifi_signal_x_fully.png and replace with Your Own
4)For Wi-fi Without Transfer File Icon, stat_sys_wifi_signal_x.png and replace with your own
For Changing Icons In Status Bar Expanded
1)De-Compile your SystemUI.apk from /system/app
2)From /res/drawable-xhdpi(change xxxdpi Acoording To Your Device)
For Flight Mode/Aeroplane Mode:
3) Search for ic_qs_flight_mode_on.png and ic_qs_flight_mode_off.png and Replace with Your Own
For Data Connection:
3) Search for ic_qs_mobile_enable.png and ic_qs_mobile_disable.png and replace with your own
For Bluetooth:
3)Search For ic_qs_bluetooth_enable.png.ic_qs_bluetooth_disable .png and ic_qs_bluetooth_off.png and replace with your own
For Gps/Location:
3)Search for ic_qs_gps_enable.png and ic_qs_gps_disable.png and replace with your own
For Wi-Fi:
3)Search for ic_qs_wifi_enable.png and ic_qs_wifi_disable.png and replace with your own
4)For animation: Search For ic_qs_wifi_full_x.png and replace with your own
5)For No Data Animation: Search for ic_qs_wifi_x.png and replace with your own
(If It Doesnt Work,ic_qs_stat_sys_wifi_switch_animx,png. Delete these .png)
For Brightness:
3) Search For ic_qs_brightness_auto_on and ic_qs_brightness_auto_off and Replace With Your Own
For Auto-Rotation/Orientation
3) Search For ic_qs_auto_rotation_enable and ic_qs_auto_rotation_disable and replace with your own
For Timeout:
3) Search For ic_qs_timeout_disable,ic_qs_timeout_off and ic_qs_timeout_on and replace with your own
For Default User:
3) Search For ic_qs_default_user.png and replace with your own
For User Profiles
3) Search For ic_qs_general_on/off,ic_qs_meeting_on/off,ic_qs_outdoor_on/off and ic_qs_mute_on/off and Replace with your own
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