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Another issue that I have had is that many custom ROMS and Kernels for the Nexus 6 are built from unencrypted custom ROMS, meaning the Nexus 6 has to be unencrypted before we can flash a custom ROM/Kernel that is also unencrypted.
Luckily for us bbedward from XDA has created custom boot IMG for the Nexus 6 so we can disable forced encryption on the Nexus 6 without too much effort!
Follow the step-by-step guide below to disable forced encryption on a rooted Nexus 6.
- This process will remove all data from your phone, backup any important information before continuing!!
- OTA updates will enable forced encryption again.
The Nexus 6 needs to be rooted, if it isn't follow this guide first: how to root Nexus 6
1. Go into Settings > About phone. Keep note of what the build number is since we're going to need it in step 2.
2. Download the correct "boot_noforceencrypt_XXXXXX.img" depending on your build number to your phone using the download links below.
Download boot_noforceencrypt_lrx210.img (Build Number LRX210)
Download boot_noforceencrypt_lrx22c.img (Build Number LRX22C)
3. Download Flashify app from the Play Store using the download link below.
Download Flashify from Play Store
4. Open up the Flashify app and tap on "Accept" and then a Superuser request pop up will show up. Tap on "GRANT".
5. Select "Boot Image" > "Choose a file" > "File explorer" > "sdcard". Now locate the "boot_noforceencrypt_XXXXXX.img" you downloaded in step 2. If you downloaded the file directly to your phone then look under the "Download" folder.
6. Select the "boot_noforceencrypt_XXXXXX.img" and select "Yup!".
7. Now tap on "Flash more" > select the more options menu at the top right corner of the app > and select "Reboot recovery".
8. We are going to enter into Recovery mode. Since the Nexus 6 is rooted you are mostly likely going to enter into TWRP Recovery.
Select "Wipe" > "Format Data" > type "yes" > "Go".
If you get "unable to mount /data" then reboot back into Recovery and do step 8 again.
9. Tap on the home button > "Reboot" > "System". Once the Nexus 6 fully boots up your phone will be unencrypted.
If you want to confirm that the forced encryption has been disabled you can go into Settings > Security > and under "Encryption" is will say "Encrypt phone". Tap on it and it will ask you if you want to start the encryption process.
Q: How do I encrypt my phone again?
A: Follow the guide above again, but use this boot IMG instead of the one linked in the guide
Credits - XDA
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