New Years Firework Live wallpaper for Android Smartphones and Tablet.
Download Live Wallpapers for Android.
New Years firework is amazing live wallpaper with stunning fireworks . Set as your wallpaper on the occasions like independence day or holidays or new year.
Live wallpaper Features.
You can change fireworks color , amount and Delivery style.
The Liver wallpaper runs very smoothly in background .
You can set Sphere , Sphere sparks and amount of fireworks in fireworks types.
Turn on or off sounds , Turn on year 2015 to display with wallpaper.
You can change Scene color by selecting different colors for background.
You can change fireworks color . Choose one , two , three or all to make them look beautiful on Screen.
You can also set Graphics Performance . High Performance will consume more battery power. so it is advised to choose medium or low performance for Live wallpaper fireworks as some android smartphones and android tablets consume more battery .
Live wallpaper is absolutely free on Google PlayStore but you can buy more firework packs .
Apk Size : 4.0 MB
Apk Version : 1.4.2
Developers : Aqreadd Studios
Supported OS : 2.3 and Above
Ranking : 4.2 out of 5.
Note: All the screenshots were taken on Samsung Galaxy S2.
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