#1 Hide Your WhatsApp Media from iOS Devices
- First of all, go to Settings and tap on Privacy button.
- Tap on Photos and then you will have different sources of Photos simply you need to look for Whatsapp and ones you found it then toggle it off.
- Now all the Photos and Videos that are received from WhatsApp will not be found in your device Gallery.
#2 Hide Your WhatsApp Media from Android Devices
As all Android users feels this irritating because these images and videos will be stored in Gallery.Just follow this simple steps to hide WhatsApp media from gallery.
- Download any File Manager app on your Android phone which is required for this process, ES File Explorer.
- After installing, Head over to SD card under the Home section and clickWhatsApp and press Media.
- Now you will see a WhatsApp folder, press and hold that folder and you will get a option to rename that particular folder.
- Just put a . before the folder name, and this would look like this.
.Whatsapp Images
- And similarly for WhatsApp video folder.
.Whatsapp Videos
Now all the media that are received from WhatsApp will be hidden, and in order to get back all those media to your gallery, just simply remove the .[dot] from the renamed folder as like original folder.
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