How to make your own boot animations (with sound if you want)


Hi guys!
Today, I'm going to teach you how to make your own boot animations. Please read this thread carefully to the end, in order to succeed in making your boot animation.

NOTE: This method is tested and it works on AOSP ROMs. I don't guarantee that it will work for stock ROMs (The ROM that came with your device)!

-A photo-editing program (GIMP and Photoshop are the best), which can save pictures in .png format
-A text editor (everyone has that)
-An archive-managing program (Power Archiver, WinZip), that is capable of making .zip archives

1. Create part0 and part1 folders (in this folders, the frames of the boot animation are stored. Usually, there are only 2 parts in a boot animation, but you can add as many as you want. The frames in the part0 folder are usually repeated once, and the frames in part1 folder are usually looped several times, or infinite.)

2. Draw every frame of your boot animation manually (save every frame as you do it. Save the first one as 10001.png, the second one as 10002.png, and so on. Save them in the part0 and part1 folders - the frames in part0 folder will be showed only once, and the frames in part1 folder will be looped. But, you can change that if you want. Changing the looping property will be discussed in the following steps. WARNING: ALWAYS SAVE THE FRAMES IN .PNG OR .JPG FORMAT!)

3. Make a desc.txt file in the directory where the part0 and part1 folders are and edit it as following:

320 480 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
(The numbers 320 and 480 is the resolution of your boot animation. Change them as you want. The number 30 means the speed of the animation. Speed set to 30 is good for me. Then, the "p 1 0 part0" property means that the frames in part0 folder will be repeated once - you point that with the first number in the "p 1 0 part0" property, which in this case is 1. The second number is the delay between loops, and it's expressed in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s). I've set it to 0 because I don't want to be any delay between my loops (p 1 0 part0). And last, but not least, you set the folder with the folder name - in this case is part0. Then, you type the property for the part1 folder - that's "p 0 0 part1". The first "0" means that the folder will be looping infinite times, the second "0" means there's no delay between loops, and then we set the folder to part1. Note: if you have more folders, you'll have to write properties for them too! WARNING: DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE AN EMPTY LINE AT THE END OF THE DESC.TXT FILE!)

4. Compress the folders and the desc.txt file in a zip file (WARNING: MAKE SURE YOUR COMPRESSION METHOD IS STORE! OTHERWISE, THE BOOT ANIMATION WON'T WORK!)

5. Open your new boot animation and check the folders, if there are Thumbs.db files. If there are Thumbs.db files in your boot animation, delete them from the archive.

6. Install your boot animation on your device with one of the following methods:

Root Explorer method:
1. Rename your boot animation to bootanimation

2. Put it on your SD card

3. Open Root Explorer and copy to /system/media. This will replace the existing boot animation

4. Reboot your phone

ADB method:
1. Make sure you have downloaded android sdk

2. Put android sdk in C:\

3. Set the directory of command prompt to C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools. Click here for a video tutorial.

4. Rename your boot animation to bootanimation and put it in C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools

5. Open cmd

6. Type in order:
-adb remount
-adb push /system/media/
-adb reboot

7. Enjoy your new boot animation!

Note: It's far easier to create and install boot animations with my program Boot Animation Factory. Oh, and you can preview them on your computer too!

How to add sound

1. Download this shell script: LINK
2. Place in /sdcard

3. Run terminal emulator, and execute the following:
cd /sdcard

4. Use a rooted file manager and navigate to /system/bin, and verify that there is now a file called bootsound there, and it has 777 (rwxrwxrwx) permissions. Modify the permissions to 777 if needed.

5. Place your desired sound file, renaming it android_audio.mp3, in /system/media.

5.1 For the original quietly brilliant sound, download: LINK (remember to rename it).
5.2 I now put custom boot animations into /system/media as well, and this is my favorite so far: LINK (rename to just
6. Reboot and enjoy.

Common mistakes that people make:
-Wrong compression method: you MUST set the compression method to Store!

-Missing empty line at the end of the desc.txt file: an empty line is needed! Otherwise, the boot animation won't work!

-Frames drawn in wrong color mode: you MUST draw your frames in RGB 8bit or RGB 16bit COLOR MODE!
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