Have you ever wanted to create a music of your own...
You want a music backed up with live beats and great voice synthesizer...
Or you want to sing from available music using the same beats...
Then follow me as I introduce to you
You want a music backed up with live beats and great voice synthesizer...
Or you want to sing from available music using the same beats...
Then follow me as I introduce to you
Yokee™ is a free Karaoke app that lets you sing songs with YouTube, show off your voice and let your inner star shine!
Join millions of Karaoke fans already singing their hearts out with Yokee™:
✪ SING: Browse through YouTube’s endless catalogue of music videos from a variety of genres and themes to find songs sung by your favorite artists. Plus, sing in any language!
✪ RECORD: Once you’ve chosen a song, record your vocal track as you sing along to the lyrics, add some of our special voice effects like echo and reverb if you like. You can re-record yourself as many times as you like if you think you can do better.
✪ SHARE your performance with the world on Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Whatsapp etc... and connect with friends to listen to their performances and rate their recordings.
- Yokee™ let's you sing for free because it leverages YouTube’s unlimited library of songs and videos. We’re always scouring YouTube for the best karaoke songs and lyrics and adding new music, songs and videos every day.
- Check out our YouTube channel: www.YouTube.com/user/YokeeChannel to sing karaoke of some of our favourite radio hits:
✪ 'Let It Go' by Idina Menzel
✪ 'Chandelier' by Sia
✪ 'All of me' by John Legend
✪ 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams
✪ 'Counting Stars' by OneRepublic
✪ 'Stay' by Rihanna
✪ 'All About That Bass' by Meghan Trainor
✪ 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction
And thousands more!
Not sure you can sing in tune to the music and lyrics? No worries! Yokee’s auto-tune features can auto-enhance your voice with pitch correction, optional harmonies and a little reverb to help you sound just like a star on the radio.
With Yokee™, Karaoke has never been so much Fun. We think it’s better than any other karaoke app, but don’t just take our word for it, download the Yokee™ Karaoke app and see for yourself
Yokee™ is a free Karaoke app that lets you sing songs with YouTube, show off your voice and let your inner star shine!
Join millions of Karaoke fans already singing their hearts out with Yokee™:
✪ SING: Browse through YouTube’s endless catalogue of music videos from a variety of genres and themes to find songs sung by your favorite artists. Plus, sing in any language!
✪ RECORD: Once you’ve chosen a song, record your vocal track as you sing along to the lyrics, add some of our special voice effects like echo and reverb if you like. You can re-record yourself as many times as you like if you think you can do better.
✪ SHARE your performance with the world on Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Whatsapp etc... and connect with friends to listen to their performances and rate their recordings.
- Yokee™ let's you sing for free because it leverages YouTube’s unlimited library of songs and videos. We’re always scouring YouTube for the best karaoke songs and lyrics and adding new music, songs and videos every day.
- Check out our YouTube channel: www.YouTube.com/user/YokeeChannel to sing karaoke of some of our favourite radio hits:
✪ 'Let It Go' by Idina Menzel
✪ 'Chandelier' by Sia
✪ 'All of me' by John Legend
✪ 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams
✪ 'Counting Stars' by OneRepublic
✪ 'Stay' by Rihanna
✪ 'All About That Bass' by Meghan Trainor
✪ 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction
And thousands more!
Not sure you can sing in tune to the music and lyrics? No worries! Yokee’s auto-tune features can auto-enhance your voice with pitch correction, optional harmonies and a little reverb to help you sound just like a star on the radio.
With Yokee™, Karaoke has never been so much Fun. We think it’s better than any other karaoke app, but don’t just take our word for it, download the Yokee™ Karaoke app and see for yourself.
Want to try it out...
Download links below...
Feel free to drop your feedbacks..
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