How to Install Android M Preview on Nexus 6!

Check out the video below!

Android M Preview is out for the Nexus 6 and that means flashing Android M onto our own Nexus 6 ASAP! Android M brought a large amount of changes including the app drawer, app permissions, even enhanced the volume control settings! Android M is intended for developers so that they can start building apps and other Android related software before Android M is officially released to the public. 

Android M Preview is a PREVIEW! Try out Android M Preview at home and make sure everything you need is properly working before considering using this as a daily driver! 
Note: This will wipe everything from your phone, backup any important information! 

Follow the guide below to install Android M Preview on Nexus 6!

1. Power off the Nexus 6.

2. Press and hold the power button and volume down at the same time until you see a green "Start" on the screen.

3. Now plug in your phone via microUSB to your computer.

4. Download using the download link below. 


5. Unzip You should now have a folder called, Nexus6AndroidMPreview.

6. Move the folder, 
Nexus6AndroidMPreview, to your desktop!!

7. Open Command Prompt if your on Windows or Terminal if your on Mac/Linux/Ubuntu.

Note: If your Nexus 6 bootloader is unlocked skip to step 8!

Type in these commands and press enter after each line:

cd Desktop
cd Nexus6AndroidMPreview

fastboot oem unlock

cd Desktop
cd Nexus6AndroidMPreview

./fastboot-mac oem unlock

cd Desktop
cd Nexus6AndroidMPreview

./fastboot-linux oem unlock

You should now see "Unlock bootloader?" on your Nexus 6. Select "Yes".

8. Open a new Command Prompt if your on Windows or Terminal if your on Mac/Linux/Ubuntu.

Type in these commands and press enter after each line:

cd Desktop
cd Nexus6AndroidMPreview

fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-shamu-moto-apq8084-71.11.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash radio radio-shamu-D4.01-9625-05.16+FSG-9625-02.94.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot erase cache
fastboot flash cache cache.img

fastboot reboot


cd Desktop
cd Nexus6AndroidMPreview
./fastboot-mac flash bootloader bootloader-shamu-moto-apq8084-71.11.img
./fastboot-mac reboot-bootloader
./fastboot-mac flash radio radio-shamu-D4.01-9625-05.16+FSG-9625-02.94.img
./fastboot-mac reboot-bootloader
./fastboot-mac flash system system.img
./fastboot-mac flash userdata userdata.img
./fastboot-mac flash boot boot.img
./fastboot-mac flash recovery recovery.img
./fastboot-mac erase cache
./fastboot-mac flash cache cache.img

./fastboot-mac reboot


cd Desktop
cd Nexus6AndroidMPreview
./fastboot-linux flash bootloader bootloader-shamu-moto-apq8084-71.11.img
./fastboot-linux reboot-bootloader
./fastboot-linux flash radio radio-shamu-D4.01-9625-05.16+FSG-9625-02.94.img
./fastboot-linux reboot-bootloader
./fastboot-linux flash system system.img
./fastboot-linux flash userdata userdata.img
./fastboot-linux flash boot boot.img
./fastboot-linux flash recovery recovery.img
./fastboot-linux erase cache
./fastboot-linux flash cache cache.img

./fastboot-linux reboot

9. After typing in the last command your Nexus 6 will now automatically reboot into Android M! This boot up can take up to 10 minutes so be patient.

10. Awesome, you now have Android M Preview on your Nexus 6! Have fun bragging this to all your friends!

Q: Can I use Android M Preview as a daily driver?
A: Android M Preview is intended to be a preview, not a daily driver. The choice is yours. 

Q: Command Prompt says no device is connected/detected.
A: Open up Device Manager, find something similar to "Android ADB" and reinstall the drivers. Also change USB cable and USB port. 

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