How to restore the TrustedInstaller ownership in Windows 10

To restore the TrustedInstaller ownership in Windows 10, do the following:
  1. Open File Explorer, and then locate the file or folder you want to take ownership of.
  2. Right-click the file or folder, click Properties, and then click the Security tab. Windows 10 take ownership 1 Windows 10 take ownership 2
  3. Click the Advanced button. The "Advanced Security Settings" window will appear. Here you need to change the Owner of the key.
    Click the Change link next to the "Owner:" label Windows 10 take ownership 3
  4. The Select User or Group window will appear.Type here "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" as the new owner name: windows 10 restore trusted installer ownership
  5. Click OK to change the ownership and you are done.
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