->> Based on 4.2.2 Jellybean(FlyMobile) <<-
->> 100% bugless rom <<-
->> Fully Kitkat looks <<-
->> Kitkat style SystemUI <<-
->> Kikat Icons added <<-
->> White Statusbar added <<-
->> GEL (Google Experience Launcher) added <<-
->> Apollo Music Player added <<-
->> Fully Deodexed <<-
->> Pre-Rooted <<-
->> Dual 3G Swipe Supported <<-
->> 3G Video Call Support <<-
->> Super Smooth UI <<-
->> Improvements in build.prop <<-
->> Better Camera Quality <<-
->> Better Audio <<-
->> Google guester supported keyboard <<-
->> More battery backup <<-
->> Added Zipalign <<-
->> New Flashlight, Compass app added <<-
->> init.d Supported Kernel <<-
->> Internet Speed Boost <<-
->> ACID SoundMOD & Viper FX added <<-
->> Improved Sound Quality <<-
->> 4.2.2 gapps included <<-
->> BusyBox installed <<-
->> Full Gravity Box Supported <<-
->> Ultra Fast Performance <<-
->> New Walton Boot Logo <<-
->> Nexus Boot Animation <<-
->> More free RAM <<-
->> Adobe PDF Reader added <<-
->> Note 3 Music Player added <<-
->> Stylish Multi Locker added with 11 HD Themes <<-
->> Stylish Power Widget added <<-
->> Notification Toggle added <<-
->> And Much More... <<-
Single Download Link
Flash this two zip after installing rom::
1. Apps Uptade: http://goo.gl/mUf24h
2. Performance Tweaks: http://goo.gl/6JfFkn [after flash a
window will pop-up select yes]
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