Windows 10 is already installed on 75 million PCs after only four weeks ago

Windows 10

Microsoft released Windows 10 four weeks ago, and now the company is offering a new update of its update. 14 Million machines has been upgraded to Windows 10 within 24 hours of the version of the operating system the last month, and that figure has now risen to more than $75 million in just four weeks. Microsoft has been the deployment of Windows 10 in the form of waves, such as a free upgrade to Windows 8 and Windows 7 users. Although it is difficult to compare the exact figures between Windows 10 and Windows 8, Microsoft "sold" 40 million licenses of Windows 8 a month after its debut. Microsoft took six months to reach 100 million licenses of Windows 8, and it is evident that the free Windows 10 it is clearly superior to adoption rates.

"An encouraging start for Windows 10"

Microsoft Windows marketing chief Yusuf Mehdi revealed today, along with some more interesting statistics about Windows 10. More than 90,000 exclusive equipment or tablet models have been upgraded to Windows 10 in 192 countries. That almost all the countries of the planet. The owners have a Xbox Live streaming almost 122 years of game for Windows 10 computers. More importantly, Mehdi has revealed that the Store Windows for Windows 10 has seen six times more downloads per device of Windows 8. This is a good beginning for Microsoft applications universal goal.

While Microsoft has been the deployment of Windows 10 in waves, there are ways to avoid the wait. In fact, there are even methods of clean installation of Windows 10, if you want to remove the cruft from the previous version of Windows update and delete. If you have not yet upgraded to Windows 10, you can read our review here to get a closer look at the last Microsoft operating system.

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