They come in the form of .zip files that can be flashed in cwm recovery
- Download file
- Put the previously downloaded file on your sd card
- Boot into recovery (volume up+home+power)
- Select "Install zip" and browser to your downloaded zip file.
- Now select the fileyou copied in previous step
- You will have PhilZ Touch Recovery flashed
Odin packages instructions
They come in the form of .tar.md5 file
- boot into download mode
- start odin3 and configure it as in picture below
- connect phone in download mode to PC via USB
- press start to flash the tar.md5 package
- normally, phone should auto-reboot into recovery.
If it reboots into android and your recovery remains stock, repeat above steps and untick "autoreboot" in odin. Once flash is done, keep pressing power button + home + vol up until it reboots (always will go to recovery)- when in recovery, if you choose option "reboot system now" and you get "yes - disable flash recovery", select that option to avoid stock recovery overwriting cwm
<< Root your phone and reset Yellow Triangle >>
- Once in recovery, flash the attached file to root your phone
- If you want root + busybox: flash file
- to remove yellow triangle, use TriangleAway
Download links
Last version can be found here:
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