How to Root ASUS Zenfone Selfie ZD551KL

Couple months ago ASUS introduced their new Zenfone 2 generation including Zenfone Selfie. Zenfone Selfie which has 13MP Front Camera, Powered with Qualcomm chipset and 3GB RAM, the root method is different with the intel chipset. Today ASUS Zenfone Blog will teach you how to root ASUS Zenfone Selfie. Thanks to Shakalaca. DWYOR

Download Zenfone Selfie Pre-Root System img, recovery.img and boot.img:

There is two folder: Full and Slim Firmware. Full including all zenUI apps, Slim without ZenUI apps but you can download later via playstore.

Download Flashtool :

How to Flash:

  1. Download Flashtool and Extract it to a folder
  2. Download system.img.7z.001 until 007 and extract it. (make sure the final name is system.img) and move it to Flashtool folder
  3. Download recovery.img and move it to Flashtool folder
  4. Download boot.img and move it to Flashtool folder
  5. Turn Off Zenfone Selfie and Enter fastboot Mode (Power+Volume up)
  6. Connect Zenfone Selfie with PC/Laptop
  7. At Flashtool/fastboot folder press shift+Right Click then Open Command Here
  8. Enter this command:
  9. fastboot flash boot boot.img
    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
    fastboot flash system system.img
    fastboot oem reboot-recovery
  10. Wipe data/factory reset
  11. Done your Zenfone Selfie is Rooted.
After root with this method, your zenfone selfie will not get update. You need to re-flash with original firmware via adb sideload.
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