[ROM] Echoe Zen ROM for ASUS Zenfone 2

Today ZenfoneBlog will share about Echoe Zen ROM v1. This ROM is developed by Friedrich420  at EchoeROM website Here. About Echoe Roms were released for the first time on July 21st 2013. Since then, flashaholics from around the world have adored the idea that Echoe stands for. Echoe has become a trademark of customization of the Samsung Flagship Android Phones. Since then, things have changed a lot and besides perhaps the most choice-packed roms, echoe has began offering an incredible collection of its own AEL Kernels. None of this would have been possible without the thousands of dedicated Echoe Fans and of course without all those beautiful people below who have been part of the Echoe Family at one point or another.


Features :

  • This ROM is based on the newest Official Asus Android 5.0 firmware:
  • Fully deodexed rom
  • Xposed ready
  • Pre- rooted with SuperSU v2.52
  • Stericson busybox 1.24.1
  • Modded SystemUI with the following options: 
  • 3Minit Battery, 
  • Center Clock, 
  • Potato Gradient Mod (please use the app "Gradient" to control the colors and transparency of your status bar)
  • Enabled the amazing Net Traffic Meter Mod (go to settings/ display and its the last option)
  • Unlocked more options in the volume panel (i.e. media volume bluetooth volume, etc)
  • Re- added the sound/volume bar back to the Power Menu
  • Modded Settings with the "Echoe Customization Center' for quick access to useful tools
  • Removed the ANNOYING“External Storage Inserted" message you get on every reboot
  • Moderately Debloated (there's a LOT of crapps in this system)
  • Lots of fixes to the stock base (i.e. writing to external card, etc)
  • Viper4Android
  • Adaway
  • Faster GPS
  • CPU Spy
  • Simple Reboot
  • Speed and Battery tweaks


Installation Instructions:

  1. Download The ROM : HERE
  2. You need a custom recovery (twrp works just fine) - TWRP Tutorial Here
  3. No need to be rooted before flashing this (you will be rooted by the rom)
  4. Go to Recovery
  5. Flash the rom
  6. Please give it 5-7 minutes to go through the flashing process
  7. Reboot, wait a few minutes and enjoy
Credit to Friedrich420  at EchoeROM
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