[Tutorial] Kehilangan signal / Mengembalikan BroadbandUknown/Invalid Imei Acer Liquid Z500
Guh Wahhab
HH wajib root
terpasang Root explorer
download nv ram : Download
download fix imei : Download
simpan file yang telah didownload , simpan di internal/external terluar (tanpa folder)
open rootexp
Root > data > nvram
hapus folder nvram pada rom bawaan pke rootExp
matikan hh agan
Menuju ke recovery (Rekomendai pke CTR)
restore nvram via CTR(File yang agan download tadi)
Nnti bakal ke detect sendiri file nvram.zip nya
instal zip fix imei seperti biasa
lalu nyalakan lagi hh anda
selamat mencoba
kalau gagal/ribet coba
Cr: @azmi ali
Create folder nvram di sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/.nvram
Unzip file .nvram.zip yg di download & copy folder nvram-1436892977 yg udah di unzip ke dlm folder .nvram
Reboot to CTR & restore nvram melalui carliv menu
Pastikan folder nvram di device/data/nvram udah di delete
Selepas restore nvram,
flash fix imei.zip & restart hh
Thanks to Allah SWT
Guh Wahhab
Cr: Guh Wahhab
Source : Acer Liquid Z500 Indonesia
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