Samsung Announced Batman Injustice Edition Galaxy S7 Edge, Nicked Gods Among Us

Following some heavy hints on social media, Samsung has officially announced the limited edition Galaxy S7 edge Injustice Edition smartphone with a Batman theme.
Samsung Batman phone
Samsung threw out a few hints of a fresh Batphone via a couple of tweets yesterday. Okay, so 'hints' is something of an understatement.
In a press release, Samsung  said "We are excited to partner with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and offer a special edition of Galaxy S7 edge for fans of Injustice: Gods Among Us, Samsung always seeks to provide the best mobile gaming experience for its users, and this partnership reinforces our commitment to the game’s fans."
Still, Friday sees the company revealing all on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Injustice Edition. That's its official name, by the way.
This decidedly black .ng/p/smart-phones-home-blackberry-uk-used.html" target="_blank">Galaxy S7 Edge (seriously, even the metal edges are noir) has gold detailing for its earpiece, Samsung logo, and home button. Around back there's more gold around the camera and flash, and a telltale golden bat symbol etching.
We also get an unboxing video of the special edition phone:

The package will also include a Gear VR headset in some territories, as well as an Injustice game credit and Oculus VR content vouchers. Is that a chunky Batman armour-styled rubber case in there? Looks like it.
Samsung's TouchWiz UI appears to have had an Injustice-themed spruce up (or should that be Bruce up?) too.
We were a little puzzled about the timing of this Batman phone before this big reveal, and to be honest, we're a little puzzled now. Apparently, it's been released "To commemorate the third anniversary of the popular mobile game, Injustice: Gods Among Us".
Commemorating a mobile game's birthday? That's a new one on us.
Samsung will only be releasing this limited edition .ng/p/blog-page.html" target="_blank">Galaxy S7 edge in select territories in early June. The company promises that more territories will be "announced soon".

REALTED POST: .ng/p/blog-page.html" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy SmartPhones Price Listing

Source: TechRadar
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