Women's Prayers on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

As our custom, we'll be gathering in Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh, on the first day of the Jewish Month of Tammuz, which falls this year on Thursday, July 7, 2016. We pray, as did the Biblical Chana, silently-without fanfare/media and directly to Gd. We do sing Hallel outloud. Please join us!

Women's Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma
Tel Shiloh Rosh Chodesh Tamuz
Thursday July 7, 2016
1st of Tammuz, 5776, 8:15*am
Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Chodesh
Tour of Tel Shiloh
Dvar Torah, Short Torah Lesson
Please come and invite family, friends and neighbors

תפילת נשים ראש חודש תמוז
בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
יום ה' 7\7 א' תמוז, תשע"ו *8:15
הלל ומוסף לראש חודש
יהיה דבר תורה קצר וסיור בתל
כדאי לבוא ולהזמין חברות, משפחה ושכנות

*כצת מוקדם בגלל החום של קיץ
A bit earlier because of the summer heat 

Here in Shiloh, there is plenty of space, and the shechina Gd's presence remains from days that the Mishkan Holy Tabernacle rested for 369 years, from Joshua to Samuel the Prophet.
Chodesh Tov!

There's lots more to do at Shiloh Hakeduma besides our monthly prayers, so I suggest that you contact them and visit. For more information call 02-994-4019. 

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