[Custom Rom] Xperia E4 Dual for ZTE Blade Vec Pro
Rizky Hendhiawan
Link :download
Step Instal Custom Rom ZTE Blade Vec Pro :
* Backup dulu kalo belum punya backupan biar aman atau bosan.
* wipe wipe data cache
* Flash ROMnya
* Flash Dolby Atmosnya (biar tambah matav suaranya)
* Camera stock use 3rd app.
* Can't using Root Explorer.
* Screen Mirroring not tested.
Special thanks to:
* Allah SWT
* Wilsey (Ori Dev)
* Ritesh Nair
* Pawan Diyal
* Himura05
* Bishal Goswami
* Yaman
* Nameless Porting Team
* John PatriCk Tucay (CleanStarLight)
* Aivenson Austia (SKK Lynx Porter)
Custom Rom ZTE Blade Vec Pro Lainnya : [Custom Rom] EMUI 3.0 for ZTE Blade Vec Pro
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