There was also a rise in the number of active malware families, with 3 new names entering the top 10. These families were Chanitor , Blackhole exploit kit, and Nivdort bot.
In the mobile malware category, Check Point found that for the sixth consecutive month HummingBad, followed by Triada and Ztorg, remained the most common malware used to attack mobile devices.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Malware
- Conficker: Worm that enabled remote operations and malware download
- Sality: Virus that allows remote operations and downloads additional malware
- Locky: Spreads mainly via spam emails with disguised downloader
- Cutwail: Botnet used to send spams and take part in DDoS attacks
- Zeus: Trojan used to steal banking information
- Chanitor: Installs malicious payloads on infected machines
- Tinba: Banking trojan
- Cryptowall: Ransomware that uses AES encryption and conducts C&C communication over TOR
- Blackhole: Exploit kit that uses browser and plugin security flaws
- Nivdort: Bot that’s used to steal passwords and modify settings
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