Dual Boot Kali Linux And Windows 7/8/8.1/10

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Hello guys as we all know that to hack most of the sites or devices or anything we need kali linux and we also want windows for our personal use.So today im going to show you how to dual boot Kali linux and Windows 7/8/8.1/10.So lets get started.Thanks To Techlog360 For This Guide.We should really appreciate their work.

Requirements : 

8GB Pendrive (Minimum)
• At lest Dual-Core (either intel or AMD) with minimum 1GB of RAM.
• Windows 10 or any other version of Windows(Already Installed)
• Kali Linux v2.0 → Get It Now
• Rufus → Get It Now
• Some Patience

Step 1:

First download Kali Linux v2.0 ISO file from the above provided link.Download either 32 bit or 64 bit,thats your choice.

Step 2 :

After downloading Kali Linux the next step is the creation of a bootable USB.For that we need Rufus – a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives.So download it from above link and install.

Step 3 :

Making a bootable USB.
First connect your USB drive.As already said we need minimum 8GB memory pendrive.
Run Rufus and follow steps to create a bootable USB.

Step 4:

Now you get a screen like below image.
                                  rufus 1 - Dual boot Kali Linux with Windows

Step 5:

First check your USB drive is selected. Then click small CD drive ico

Step 6:

After process completion you can see a close button to exit from the rufu window, click on it and yes, here is your Kali Linux bootable USB drive.
Other than installing Kali Linux with Windows, you can also use this USB to live boot Kali – means run Kali without installing it (but limited some functions).n below (2) and locate Kali Linux iso file that you downloaded from Kali official website. And finally click “Start” and wait for process to complete.

Step 7:

Next we are going to create a separate partition for Kali Linux installation.So open your Disk Management settings in Windows or Run ” diskmgmt.msc ” command.
Create a new partition of size about 15 – 20GB minimum by shrinking any existing volume.Here we created a new partition of size 17GB.

Step 8:

Intial process all done.Downloaded Kali Linux v2.0 ISO, Created bootable USB drive and created a separate partition for Kali Linux installation.
Before that keep in mind always Disable Secure Boot and Fast Boot option in BIOS. 
Now Restart your PC/Laptop and go to boot manger and select the option boot as USB.[Options will be different for different brands].Just boot it as USB.Now you will see the installation window of Kali Linux.
There are different options to install Kali Linux.Here choose ” Graphical Install ”

Step 9:

Choose the language to be used for the installation process.And press ” Continue “.

Step 10:

Choose your country and ” Continue ” the installation process

Step 11 : 

Choose Your language

Step 12:

Next step set IP configurationsP.You can Configure your network Automatically OR Manually.

Step 13:

In next it will ask for a Hostname.Set any name you want.

Step 14:

In this step you have to enter a password for ” ROOT User “. After entering Administrative account password click ” Continue “.

Step 15:

Next choose partitioning method as ” Manual ” and hit ” Continue “.

Step 16:

Carefully do this step.Only choose the partition that we created for Kali installation and press ” Continue “.

 Step 17:

Then select the option ” Delete the partition ” and hit ” Continue “.

Step 18:

After above step you can see that your Kali installation partition is now ” FREE SPACE “.So choose it and ” Continue “.

Step 19:

Next step it will ask us how to use those ” FREE SPACE “.Choose the option ” Automatically partition the free space ” and ” Continue ” the process.

Step 20:

Next choose the first option that is recommended for new users and press ” Continue “.

Step 21:

Finally select the option ” Finish Partitioning and Write Changes to Disk ” and ” Continue “.

Step 22:

In this step it will ask permission to write changes in disk.Choose ” Yes ” and ” Continue “.
Now the Kali will start the installation process.Wait 10-15 minutes to process completion.

Step 23:

In th middle of insatallation it will ask for network mirror,choose ” Yes ” or ” No “.This settings is about update option.So we recommended you to choose ” No “.

Step 24:

Next it will ask for installing GRUB boot loader, choose ” Yes “.and ” Continue “.

Step 25:

Next it will ask where to install boot loader.Choose your hard disk, second option. Remember only choose your hard disk to install GRUB.

Step 26:

After successful completion of installation  process you will see a screen similar to below screenshot.Choose ” Continue “.

Step 27:

Now Restart your PC/Laptop and eject USB drive.
During StartUp you can see the GRUB Loader of Kali Linux v2.0.
Here choose ” Kali GNU/Linux ” to boot your PC/Laptop with the new Kali Linux or else choose ” Windows Recovery Environment ” to start as Windows 10.
dual boot kali 2.0 with windows 10
 Thats it guys now enjoy dual booting KALI Linux and Windows At A Time.

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