For many programmers, coffee acts as the favorite caffeine delivery system. One such programmer, Simone Margaritelli, who is a researcher at Zimperium, hacked his coffee machine to brew coffee using the command line. This might remind you of another lazy programmer who wrote some hacker scripts to get his jobs done.
Margaritelli calls himself a coffee-loving nerd and hacker who drinks liters of it during the week. So, to make things smoother and grab a better cup of coffee, he bought a smart coffee machine on Amazon. Being an IoT device, he could control the machine over his home network using a mobile application.Being a programmer, Margaritelli spent most of his hours on a computer. That’s why he felt the need for a console client, something that wasn’t made available by the machine maker.
So, Margaritelli worked to reverse the Android application and understand the communication protocol. This helped him write his own client implementation that lets him make coffee using the terminal.
“I decided to reverse the Android application since it’s usually way easier than reversing iOS ones ( java vs assembly

He has even shared his code in GitHub and it can be found here.
While writing the Terminal application for his coffee machine, he also discovered some minor security peculiarities. You can read about them and his complete blog post here.
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