CWM & TWRP Recovery on Alcatel One Touch STAR, IDOL, SPOP, MPOP

cwm twrp recovery for alcatel star, idol, spop, mpop

I'm going to show to all of you how to install easily CWM & TWRP custom Recovery without flashing image from SP FLASH TOOL.
Now as you know how to Root, and probably have a Root with easy rooting method Framaroot on your Alcatel STAR, IDOL, SPOP, MPOP etc. or you don't have yet check this tutorial.

Detailed installation instructions: 

  1. Root your Alcatel.
  2. Download below ClockWorkMod & TWRP accordingly for your model:
  3. Alcatel STAR 6010x / 6010dAlcatel IDOL 6030x / 6030xAlcatel IDOL Mini 6012x / 6012dAlcatel SPOP (all versions)Alcatel MPOP
    6010x - CWM - v5 | v6
    6010d - CWM - v5 |v6
    6030x - CWM - v5 | v6
    6030d - CWM - v5 |v6
    6012x - CWM - v5 | v6
    6012d - CWM - v5 |v6
    CWM v5 | v6

    CWM v5 | v6
    6010x - TWRP - 2.4
    6010d - TWRP - 2.4
    6030x - TWRP - 2.4
    6030d - TWRP - 2.4
    6012x - TWRP - 2.4
    6012d - TWRP - 2.4
    TWRP 2.4TWRP 2.4

  • Useful application "Mobileuncle" plays the most important role in this guide Download from Play Store Mobileuncle MTK Tools - link.
  • And open Mobileuncle app after installing then grand superuser permissions.
  • Go to 5 option "Recovery update"(this means will replace device stock recovery module when flashed from sdcard new recovery image file).
  • Choose your recovery file will be with extension .img анд you will be asked with message "Are you sure flash recovery! and need to press OK.
  • Wait to recovery replace and will be appear message Reboot into recovery mode you decide what you will do !
  • That's it ! ! !

  • Screen shot instructions
    mobileuncle tools mtk alcatel

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