This issue of Ads on facebook has been on my nerves for a long time, so many adds and suggestions that ends up drawing more Data you subscribed to, and sometimes you see things you are not suppose to see…
The facebook team shows advertisements and suggestions in line with the terms and conditions in which you agreed to during the sign up process, but later you find that the advertisements are so annoying and simply want to surf on facebook without any ads or suggestions…
After some research I stumble on this add-on F.B. Purity…
It will clean your facebook home and will disable all ads and suggestions, it will reduce your charges and time wasting, therefore turning facebook to what it actually should look like, and more user friendly with clean interface…
You can install the ad-on on your Mozilla Firefox, Safari browser, Google Chrome, and Opera browser. It is so easy to install and no hidden charges…
Click HERE to open the page and chose the add-on for your browser with your computer (Desktop/Laptop)…
Feel the real facebook…
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