Linux Mint 16 “Petra” MATE released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” MATE.
Linux Mint 16 Petra MATE Edition
Linux Mint 16 is the result of 6 months of incremental development on top of stable and reliable technologies. This new release comes with updated software and brings refinements and new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.
New features at a glance:
For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 16 MATE“.
Important info:
  • Recommended packages and 32-bit libraries
  • DVD playback
  • EFI Support
  • PAE required for 32-bit ISOs
  • mint4win
Make sure to read the “Release Notes” to be aware of important info or known issues related to this release.
System requirements:
  • x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
  • 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 5 GB of disk space
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • CD/DVD drive or USB port
Upgrade instructions:
Md5 sum:
  • 32-bit: 678dc3975bb205137a67702f3552a894
  • 64-bit: ea86b57728d047ec6e1614418890776b
HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:
HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:
Alternative downloads:
No-codecs images:
Distributors and magazines in Japan, USA and countries where distributing media codecs is problematic can use the “No Codecs” ISO images. These images are available for both the MATE and Cinnamon editions, in 32-bit and 64-bit at the following address:
OEM images:
Manufacturers can pre-install Linux Mint on their computers using the OEM installation images. These images will be made available next week, for both the MATE and Cinnamon edition in 64-bit at the following address:
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