How To: Fix Wi-Fi connecting issues on the HTC One running Android 4.4.2

It turned out that HTC One users have lately some problems with connecting their devices to the Wi-Fi routers after the Android 4.4.2 update. Here we present the iconography solution of this problem.

  1. Open Settings panel and click on the "Wi-Fi" tile
  2. Tap on the "3 dots" menu in the upper right corner
  3. From the list select "Wi-Fi Direct"

  4. You will now see that your device is called "Android_ed2c". Tap on the "3 dots" menu in the upper right corner
  5. From the list select "Rename device"
  6. Replace the "Android_ed2c" with  the "HTC One" text and hit "OK" button

  7. Done!
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