How To Track Your Children Using Their Cell Phone

A friend of mine gave her daughter a cell phone at the age of 7. I thought it was ridiculous because what 7 year old needs a cell phone? Unfortunately she had her reasons and they were good ones. She was no longer married to her daughter’s father and he was not dependable; but her 7 year old was required to go there every other weekend. She got the cell phone so her daughtercould reach her no matter what, even if her dad didn’t let her use the phone or in case her dad wasn’t around to let her use his phone.

It made both her and her daughter feel more comfortable, and it also made parenting time easier because unfortunately her ex husband did not like his daughter to call her mother for any reason on his parenting time.  The cell phone helped their situation. It was only later on she realized there were other benefits of her daughter having a phone of her own.

She Could Monitor Her Activity

My friend found that she could look at the phone to see what her daughter was doing while she was at her father’s house. Was she making calls? Was she playing games? Was she using text messages? This was a nice benefit because her daughter’s father wouldn’t speak to her about co-parenting or time at his house. She had no idea who her daughter was around or where she was most of the time. And that was a major concern for her. Can I cell phone voicemailspy? My friend had many questions.

She Began Using Cell Phone Spy Software

The cell phone ended up helping even more when my friend became worried about her daughter after her father moved. He would pick their daughter up on his weekends but he didn’t want to tell my friend where he had moved to. She had no idea where her little girl was and it scared her. Around this time she discovered Auto Forward. They had developed an app that allowed a person to spy on a cell phone without installing software, so her ex would never know about it but she would have peace of mind.  

She Could Track Her Daughter

She installed the app on her daughter’s phone and from there was able to see any activity that was done, even if it had already been deleted. The biggest and most important thing for her though, was that she could track her daughter using the GPS on her daughter’s phone. It no longer mattered if her ex husband refused to discuss where he lived or where they would visit; she could log in and see the GPS updated every 5 minutes. She knew where her young daughter was at all times, even when she wasn’t with her, and she was able to know this without causing even more problems between her and her ex husband.  The cell phone spy software from Auto Forward gave my friend a way to watch over her daughter even when she wasn’t physically with her, and even taught her how to spy on text messages.

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